

The Chief Executive Officer of the FSD, Dr. Slim Feriani, was hosted on Thursday, June 9 by the President of the Regional Council of Tadjourah Mr. Omar Houssein and the other members of the Regional Council of Tadjourah (CRT). A meeting on awareness and popularization of the FSD’s role was held at the CRT’s headquarters. The two parties explored together the multi-sectoral investment opportunities in the region.

Dr. Slim Feriani conducted a tour of information and awareness in the regions to explain to local authorities and other economic and social actors the missions and objectives of the Fund. He had a meeting on Thursday, June 9, with all members of the Regional Council of Tadjourah, headed by the President of the Council, Mr. Omar Houssein.

The regional council of Tadjourah contributes with the State to the economic and social development of the region; it was for the participants to explore and identify with the CEO of the Fonds Souverain de Djibouti, the multi-sectoral investment opportunities in this region of the national territory.

The region’s chief town, the White City, draws strength from its advantageous geographical position. The trading port of Tadjourah has long acted as an interface between Ethiopian highlands and the interior of the Horn of Africa.

Dr. Feriani’s interlocutors focused their interventions on strengthening infrastructure that has recently benefited Tadjourah;

Projects supported by the authorities, such as the new Port of Tadjourah, the Port of Goubet, and the new Tadjourah-Balho corridor, make the City of Seven Mosques a central hub for the development of an entire region.

Added to its essential infrastructure is the appearance of a cornice and a residential area with beautiful villas, which further enrich the heritage of the antique city.

Tadjourah has many other economic assets in fishing, agriculture, tourism, and handicrafts, all of which provide opportunities for job creation. The Regional Council of Tadjourah and the FSD intend to work together to focus on the key sectors identified during these exchanges of views to stimulate the economy of the northern region.


Dr. Feriani reminded his interlocutors of the role and strategic objectives of the Fund. This approach falls within the framework of the “Vision 2035” of His Excellency the President of the Republic Ismael Omar Guelleh, who has specified the FSD’s role and its objectives, of which the development of the local economy must become a priority.

This vision is realized through economic diversification, giving each region the means and opportunities to exploit its resources and potential in various sectors. To ensure sustained, inclusive, and, above all, lasting and sustainable growth.

One of the primary roles of the Fonds Souverain de Djibouti is to attract strategic, technical, and financial partners, both national and international, to ensure the financing and success of promising and structuring projects.

“The President of the Regional Council of Tadjourah and myself are confident,” said Dr. Feriani. The meeting with the Regional Council of Tadjourah was enriching, fruitful, and promising.

“The concerted and sustained efforts between the Tadjourah Regional Council and the Fonds Souverain de Djibouti can significantly positively impact our region economically and socially. Similar visits will be made regularly in the region to build together our development. We are sure that the FSD is an excellent ambassador for the promotion of our regions to investors and affirm our commitment to the success of this project,” said the President of the CRT, Mr. Omar Houssein.

“There is strength in numbers, and we will work hand in hand to generate strategic investments for the economic and social development of the beautiful and rich region of Tadjourah. The impact of the FSD must be on a regional and national scale in Djibouti,” concluded the FSD Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Feriani.

These meetings will continue with officials in other regions to raise awareness and popularize the FSD’s role.


FSD – Le Fonds Souverain De Djibouti s’engage à soutenir le développement économique de la Région de Tadjourah | LA NATION